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_hudson north

tamoadmin 2024-08-16
1.纽约的英文介绍 地理位置 人口 大小2.我叫Echant 取个好听点的英文心死了3.求加拿大(CANADA)育空省(YUKON)的资料4.美语有各种方言么?

1.纽约的英文介绍 地理位置 人口 大小

2.我叫Echant 取个好听点的英文心死了



_hudson north

Canada, independent nation (2001 pop. 30,007,094), 3,851,787 sq mi (9,6,128 sq km), N North America. Canada occupies all of North America N of the United States (and E of Alaska) except for Greenland and the French islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon. It is bounded on the E by the Atlantic Ocean, on the N by the Arctic Ocean, and on the W by the Pacific Ocean and Alaska. A transcontinental border, formed in part by the Great Lakes, divides Canada from the United States; Nares and Dis straits separate Canada from Greenland. The Arctic Archipelago extends far into the Arctic Ocean.

Canada is a federation of 10 provinces—Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia—and three territories—Nunut, the Northwest Territories, and the Yukon Territory. Canada's capital is Ottawa and its largest city is Toronto. Other important cities include Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Hamilton, and Quebec Land .

Canada has a very long and irregular coastline; Hudson Bay and the Gulf of St. Lawrence indent the east coast and the Inside Passage extends along the west coast. The ice-clogged straits between the islands of N Canada form the Northwest Passage. During the Ice Age all of Canada was covered by a continental ice sheet that scoured and depressed the land surface, leing a covering of glacial drift, depositional landforms, and innumerable lakes and rivers. Aside from the Great Lakes, which are only partly in the country, the largest lakes of North America—Great Bear, Great Sle, and Winnipeg—are entirely in Canada. The St. Lawrence is the chief river of E Canada. The Saskatchewan, Nelson, Churchill, and Mackenzie river systems drain central Canada, and the Columbia, Fraser, and Yukon rivers drain the western part of the country.

Canada has a bowl-shaped geologic structure rimmed by highlands, with Hudson Bay at the lowest point. The country has eight major physiographic regions—the Canadian Shield, the Hudson Bay Lowlands, the Western Cordillera, the Interior Lowlands, the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Lowlands, the Appalachians, the Arctic Lowlands, and the Innuitians.

The exposed portions of the Canadian Shield cover more than half of Canada. This once-mountainous region, which contains the continent's oldest rocks, has been worn low by erosion over the millennia. Its upturned eastern edge is indented by fjords. The Shield is rich in minerals, especially iron and nickel, and in potential sources of hydroelectric power. In the center of the Shield are the Hudson Bay Lowlands, encompassing Hudson Bay and the surrounding marshy land.

The Western Cordillera, a geologically young mountain system parallel to the Pacific coast, is composed of a series of north-south tending ranges and valleys that form the highest and most rugged section of the country; Mt. Logan (19,551 ft/5,959 m) is the highest point in Canada. Part of this region is made up of the Rocky Mts. and the Coast Mts., which are separated by plateaus and basins. The islands off W Canada are partially submerged portions of the Coast Mts. The Western Cordillera is also rich in minerals and timber and potential sources of hydroelectric power.

Between the Rocky Mts. and the Canadian Shield are the Interior Lowlands, a vast region filled with sediment from the flanking higher lands. The Lowlands are divided into the prairies, the plains, and the Mackenzie Lowlands. The prairies are Canada's granary, while grazing is important on the plains.

The smallest and southernmost region is the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Lowlands, Canada's heartland. Dominated by the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes, the region provides a natural corridor into central Canada, and the St. Lawrence Seaway gives the interior cities access to the Atlantic. This section, which is composed of gently rolling surface on sedimentary rocks, is the location of extensive farmlands, large industrial centers, and most of Canada's population. In SE Canada and on Newfoundland is the northern end of the Appalachian Mt. system, an old and geologically complex region with a generally low and rounded relief.

The Arctic Lowlands and the Innuitians are the most isolated areas of Canada and are barren and snow-covered for most of the year. The Arctic Lowlands comprise much of the Arctic Archipelago and contain sedimentary rocks that may he oil-bearing strata. In the extreme north, mainly on Ellesmere Island, is the Innuitian Mt. system, which rises to c.10,000 ft (3,050 m).

Canada's climate is influenced by latitude and topography. The Interior Lowlands make it possible for polar air masses to move south and for suropical air masses to move north into Canada. Hudson Bay and the Great Lakes act to modify the climate locally. The Western Cordillera serves as a climatic barrier that prevents polar air masses from reaching the Pacific coast and blocks the moist Pacific winds from reaching into the interior. The Cordillera has a typical highland climate that varies with altitude; the western slopes receive abundant rainfall, and the whole region is forested. The Interior Lowlands are in the rain shadow of the Cordillera; the southern portion has a steppe climate in which grasses predominate. S Canada has a temperate climate, with snow in the winter (especially in the east) and cool summers. Farther to the north, extending to the timberline, is the humid subarctic climate characterized by short summers and a snow cover for about half the year. The huge boreal forest, the largest surviving remnant of the extensive forests that once covered much of North America, predominates in this region. On the Arctic Archipelago and the northern mainland is the tundra, with its mosses and lichen, permafrost, near-year-round snow cover, and ice fields. A noted phenomenon off the coast of E Canada is the persistence of dense fog, which is formed when the warm air over the Gulf Stream passes over the cold Labrador Current as the two currents meet off Newfoundland.


About 40% of the Canadian population are of British descent, while 27% are of French origin. Another 20% are of other European background, about 10% are of E or SE Asian origin, and some 3% are of aboriginal or Métis (mixed aboriginal and European) background. In the late 1990s, Canada had the highest immigration rate of any country in the world, with more than half the total coming from Asia. Over 75% of the total population live in cities. Canada has complete religious liberty, though its growing multiculturalism has at times caused tensions among ethnic and religious groups. About 45% of the people are Roman Catholics, while some 40% are Protestant (the largest groups being the United Church of Canada, Anglicans, and Presbyterians). English and French are the official languages, and federal documents are published in both languages. In 1991, about 61% of Canadians cited English as their mother tongue, while 24% cited French.


Since World War II the development of Canada's manufacturing, mining, and service sectors has led to the creation of an affluent society. Services now account for 66% of the GDP, while industry accounts for 31%. Tourism and financial services represent some of Canada's most important industries within the service sector. However, manufacturing is Canada's single most important economic activity. The leading products are transportation equipment, pulp and paper, processed foods, chemicals, primary and fabricated metals, petroleum, electrical and electronic products, wood products, printed materials, machinery, clothing, and nonmetallic minerals. Industries are centered in Ontario, Quebec, and, to a lesser extent, British Columbia and Alberta. Canada's industries depend on the country's rich energy resources, which include hydroelectric power, petroleum, natural gas, coal, and uranium.

Canada is a leading mineral producer, although much of its mineral resources are difficult to reach due to permafrost. It is the world's largest source of nickel, zinc, and uranium, and a major source of lead, asbestos, gypsum, potash, tantalum, and cobalt. Other important mineral resources are petroleum, natural gas, copper, gold, iron ore, coal, silver, diamonds, molybdenum, and sulfur. The mineral wealth is located in many areas; some of the most productive regions are Sudbury, Ont. (copper and nickel); Timmins, Ont. (lead, zinc, and silver); and Kimberley, British Columbia (lead, zinc, and silver). Petroleum and natural gas are found in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Agriculture employs about 3% of the population and contributes a similar percentage of the GDP. The sources of the greatest farm income are livestock and dairy products. Among the biggest income-earning crops are wheat, oats, barley, corn, and canola. Canada is one of the world's leading agricultural exporters, especially of wheat. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta are the great grain-growing provinces, and, with Ontario, are also the leading sources of beef cattle. The main fruit-growing regions are found in Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec, and Nova Scotia. Apples and peaches are the principal fruits grown in Canada. More than half of the total land area is forest, and Canadian timber production ranks among the highest in the world.

Fishing is an important economic activity in Canada. Cod and lobster from the Atlantic and salmon from the Pacific he been the principal catches, but the cod industry was halted in the mid-1990s due to overfishing. About 75% of the take is exported. The fur industry, once vitally important but no longer dominant in the nation's economy, is centered in Quebec and Ontario.

A major problem for Canada is that large segments of its economy—notably in manufacturing, petroleum, and mining—are controlled by foreign, especially U.S. interests. This deprives the nation of much of the profits of its industries and makes the economy vulnerable to developments outside Canada. This situation is mitigated somewhat by the fact that Canada itself is a large foreign investor. Since the free trade agreement with the United States (effective 1989), Canadian investment in U.S. border cities, such as Buffalo, N.Y., has increased dramatically.

The United States is by far Canada's leading trade partner, followed by Japan and Great Britain. Manufactured goods comprise the bulk of imports; crude petroleum and motor vehicles and parts rank high among both the nation's largest imports and exports. Other important exports are newsprint, lumber, wood pulp, wheat, machinery, aluminum, natural gas, hydroelectric power, and telecommunications equipment.


Canada is an independent constitutional monarchy and a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The monarch of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is also the monarch of Canada and is represented in the country by the office of governor-general. The basic constitutional document is the Canada Act of 1982, which replaced the British North America Act of 1867 and ge Canada the right to amend its own constitution. The Canada Act, passed by Great Britain, made possible the Constitution Act, 1982, which was passed in Canada. The document includes a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which guarantees the rights of women and native peoples and protects other civil liberties.

The Canadian federal has authority in all matters not specifically reserved to the provincial s. The provincial s he power in the fields of property, civil rights, education, and local . They may levy only direct taxes. The federal may veto any provincial law. Power on the federal level is exercised by the Canadian Parliament and the cabinet of ministers, headed by the prime minister. (See the table entitled Canadian Prime Ministers since Confederation for a list of Canada's prime ministers.) Canada has an independent judiciary; the highest court is the Supreme Court, with nine members.

The Parliament has two houses: the Senate and the House of Commons. There are generally 104 senators, ortioned among the provinces and ointed by the governor-general upon the advice of the prime minister. Senators may serve until age 75; prior to 1965 they served for life. The 301 members of the House of Commons are elected, largely from single-member constituencies. Elections must be held at least every five years. The Commons may be dissolved and new elections held at the request of the prime minister. There are four main political parties: the Liberal party, the Conservative party (formed in 2003 by the merger of the Canadian Alliance and the Progressive Conservative party), the Bloc Québécois (aligned with the Parti Québécois of Quebec), and the New Democratic party.


Early History and French-British Rivalry

Prior to the arrival of Europeans in Canada, the area was inhabited by various peoples who came from Asia via the Bering Strait more than 10,000 years ago. The Vikings landed in Canada c.A.D. 1000. Their arrival is described in Icelandic sagas and confirmed by archaeological discoveries in Newfoundland. John Cabot, sailing under English auspices, touched the east coast in 14. In 1534, the Frenchman Jacques Cartier planted a cross on the Gaspé Peninsula. These and many other voyages to the Canadian coast were in search of a northwest passage to Asia. Subsequently, French-English rivalry dominated Canadian history until 1763.

The first permanent European settlement in Canada was founded in 1605 by the sieur de Monts and Samuel de Champlain at Port Royal (now Annapolis Royal, N.S.) in Acadia. A trading post was established in Quebec in 1608. Meanwhile the English, moving to support their claims under Cabot's discoveries, attacked Port Royal (1614) and captured Quebec (1629). However, the French regained Quebec (1632), and through the Company of New France (Company of One Hundred Associates), began to exploit the fur trade and establish new settlements. The French were primarily interested in fur trading. Between 1608 and 1640, fewer than 300 settlers arrived. The sparse French settlements sharply contrasted with the relatively dense English settlements along the Atlantic coast to the south. Under a policy initiated by Champlain, the French supported the Huron in their warfare against the Iroquois; later in the 17th cent., when the Iroquois crushed the Huron, the French colony came near extinction. Exploration, however, continued.

In 1663, the Company of New France was disbanded by the French , and the colony was placed under the rule of a royal governor, an intendant, and a bishop. The power exercised by these authorities may be seen in the careers of Louis de Buade, comte de Frontenac, Jean Talon, and Fran?ois Xier de Lal, the first bishop of Quebec. There was, however, conflict between the rulers, especially over the treatment of the indigenous peoples—the bishop regarding them as potential converts, the governor as means of trade. Meanwhile, both missionaries, such as Jacques Marquette, and traders, such as Pierre Radisson and Médard Chouart des Groseilliers, were extending French knowledge and influence. The greatest of all the empire builders in the west was Robert Celier, sieur de La Salle, who descended the Mississippi to its mouth and who envisioned the vast colony in the west that was made a reality by men like Duluth, Bienville, Iberville, and Cadillac.

The French did not go unchallenged. The English had claims on Acadia, and the Hudson's Bay Company in 1670 began to vie for the lucrative fur trade of the West. When the long series of wars between Britain and France broke out in Europe, they were paralleled in North America by the French and Indian Wars. The Peace of Utrecht (1713) ge Britain Acadia, the Hudson Bay area, and Newfoundland. To strengthen their position the French built additional forts in the west (among them Detroit and Niagara). The decisive battle of the entire struggle took place in 1759, when Wolfe defeated Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham, bringing about the fall of Quebec to the British. Montreal fell in 1760. By the Treaty of Paris in 1763, France ceded all its North American possessions east of the Mississippi to Britain, while Louisiana went to Spain.

British North America

The French residents of Quebec strongly resented the Royal Proclamation of 1763, which imposed British institutions on them. Many of its provisions, however, were reversed by the Quebec Act (1774), which granted important concessions to the French and extended Quebec's borders westward and southward to include all the inland territory to the Ohio and the Mississippi. This act infuriated the residents of the Thir Colonies (the future United States). In 1775 the American Continental Congress had as its first act not a declaration of independence but the invasion of Canada. In the American Revolution the Canadians remained passively loyal to the British crown, and the effort of the Americans to take Canada failed dismally (see Quebec campaign).

Loyalists from the colonies in revolt (see United Empire Loyalists) fled to Canada and settled in large numbers in Nova Scotia and Quebec. In 1784, the province of New Brunswick was carved out of Nova Scotia for the loyalists. The result, in Quebec, was sharp antagonism between the deeply rooted, Catholic French Canadians and the newly arrived, Protestant British. To deal with the problem the British passed the Constitutional Act (1791). It divided Quebec into Upper Canada (present-day Ontario), predominantly British and Protestant, and Lower Canada (present-day Quebec), predominantly French and Catholic. Each new province had its own legislature and institutions.

This period was also one of further exploration. Alexander Mackenzie made voyages in 1789 to the Arctic Ocean and in 1793 to the Pacific, searching for the Northwest Passage. Mariners also reached the Pacific Northwest, and such men as Capt. James Cook, John Meares, and George Vancouver secured for Britain a firm hold on what is now British Columbia. During the War of 1812, Canadian and British soldiers repulsed several American invasions. The New Brunswick boundary (see Aroostook War) and the boundary W of the Great Lakes was disputed with the United States for a time, but since the War of 1812 the long border has generally been peaceful.

Rivalry between the North West Company and the Hudson's Bay Company erupted into bloodshed in the Red River Settlement and was resolved by amalgamation of the companies in 1821. The new Hudson's Bay Company then held undisputed sway over Rupert's Land and the Pacific West until U.S. immigrants challenged British possession of Oregon and oained the present boundary (1846). After 1815 thousands of immigrants came to Canada from Scotland and Ireland.

Movements for political reform arose. In Upper Canada, William Lyon Mackenzie struggled against the Family Compact. In Lower Canada, Louis J. Papineau led the French Canadian Reform party. There were rebellions in both provinces. The British sent Lord Durham as governor-general to study the situation, and his famous report (1839) recommended the union of Upper and Lower Canada under responsible . The two Canadas were made one province by the Act of Union (1841) and became known as Canada West and Canada East. Responsible was achieved in 1849 (it had been granted to the Maritime Provinces in 1847), largely as a result of the efforts of Robert Baldwin and Louis H. LaFontaine.

纽约的英文介绍 地理位置 人口 大小

Abbot, Abbott 阿博特

Abe 阿贝 Abraham 的昵称

Abraham 亚伯拉罕

Acheson 艾奇逊

Ackerman, Ackermann 阿克曼

Adam 亚当

Adams 亚当斯

Addison 艾狄生; 艾迪生; 阿狄森

Adela 阿德拉

Adelaide 阿德莱德

Adolph 阿道夫

Agnes 阿格尼丝

Albert 艾伯特

Alcott 奥尔科特

Aldington 奥尔丁顿

Aldridge 奥尔德里奇

Aled, Aledk 亚历克 Alexander 的昵称

Alexander 亚历山大

Alfred 阿尔弗列德; 艾尔弗雷德

Alice 阿丽丝; 艾丽丝

Alick 阿利克 Alexander 的昵称

Alsop, Alsopp 艾尔索普

Aly 阿利

Amelia 阿米利亚

Anderson 安德森

Andrew 安德鲁

Ann 安

Anna 安娜

Anne 安妮

Anthony 安东尼

Antoinette 安托瓦妮特

Antonia 安东尼娅

Arabella 阿拉贝拉

Archibald 阿奇博尔德

Armstrong 阿姆斯特朗

Arnold 阿诺德

Arthur 阿瑟

Attlee 阿特利

Augustine 奥古斯丁

Augustus 奥古斯塔斯

Austen 奥斯汀

Austin 奥斯汀

Babbitt 巴比特; 白壁德; 巴比

Bach 巴赫

Bacon 培根

Baldwin 鲍德温

Barnard 巴纳德

Barney 巴尼 Barnard 的昵称

Barrett ;

Barrie 巴里

Bart 巴特 Bartholomew 的昵称

Bartholomew 巴塞洛缪

Bartlett 巴特利特

Barton 巴顿

Bauer 鲍尔; 拜耳

Beard 比尔德

Beaufort 博福特; 蒲福

Becher 比彻

Beck 贝克 Rebecca 的昵称

Becky 贝基

Beerbohm 比尔博姆

Bell 贝尔

Bellamy 贝拉米

Belle 贝尔 Arabella 的昵称

Belloc 贝洛克

Ben 本 Benjamin 的昵称

Benedict 本尼迪克特

Benjamin 本杰明

Bennett 贝内特 Benedict 的昵称

Benson 本森

Bentham 边沁; 本瑟姆

Berkeley 贝克莱; 伯克利

Bernal 伯纳尔

Bernard 伯纳德; 伯纳尔德

Bert 伯特 Albert,Herbert 的昵称

Bertha 伯莎

Bertie 伯蒂

Bertram 伯特伦

Bess 贝丝 Elizabeth 的昵称

Bessemer 贝西墨; 贝色麦

Bessie 贝西 Elizabeth 的昵称

Bethune 白求恩; 比顿

Betsy Elizabeth 的昵称

Betty 贝蒂 Elizabeth 的昵称

Bill 比尔 William 的昵称

Billy 比利 William 的昵称

Birrell 比勒尔

Black 布莱克

Blake 布莱克

Bloomer 布卢默

Bloomfield 布龙菲尔德; 布洛姆菲尔德

Bloor 布劳; 布卢尔

Blume 布卢姆

Bob 鲍勃 Robert 的昵称

Bobby 鲍比 Robert 的昵称

Boswell 博斯韦尔

Bowen 鲍恩

Bowman 鲍曼

Boyle 波伊尔; 波义耳

Bradley 布拉德利

Bray 布雷

Brewster 布鲁斯特

Bridges 布里奇斯

Bright 布赖特

Broad 布罗德

Bronte 勃朗特; 白朗蒂

Brooke 布鲁克

Brown 布朗

Browne 布朗

Browning ; 布朗宁

Bruce 布鲁斯

Bruno 布鲁诺

Bryan 布赖恩

Bryce 布赖斯

Buck 巴克

Buckle 巴克耳

Bulwer 布尔韦尔; 布尔沃

Bunyan 布尼安

Burke 伯克

Burne-Jones 伯恩-琼斯(双姓)

Burns 彭斯; 伯恩斯

Butler 勃特勒; 巴特勒

Byron 拜伦

Camilla 卡拉米

Camp 坎普

Carey 凯里; 凯雷

Carl 卡尔

Carllyle 卡莱尔

Carmen 卡门

Carnegie 卡内基

Caroline 卡罗琳

Carpenter 卡彭特

Carrie 嘉利; 卡丽

Carroll 卡罗尔

Carter 卡特

Catharine, Catherine 凯瑟琳

Cecillia 塞西利亚

Chamberlain 张伯伦

Chaplin 查普林; <英>(影星)卓别林

Chapman 查普曼

Charles 查尔斯; 查理

Charley 查利 Charles 的昵称

Charlotte 夏洛蒂; 夏洛特

Charles 查尔斯; 查理

Chaucer 乔叟

Chesterton 切斯特顿

Child 蔡尔德

Childe 蔡尔德

Christ 克赖斯特

Christian 克里琴斯

Christiana 克里斯蒂安娜

Christie 克里斯蒂 Christian 的昵称

Christopher 克里斯托弗

Christy 克里斯蒂 Christian 的昵称

Church 丘奇

Churchill 丘吉尔

Cissie 锡西 Cecillia 的昵称

Clapham 克拉彭

Clara 克拉拉

Clare 克莱尔 ClaraClarissa 的昵称

Clarissa 克拉丽莎

Clark, Clarke 克拉克

Clemens 克里曼斯; 克莱门斯

Clement 克莱门特

Cocker 科克尔

Coffey 科菲

Colclough 科尔克拉夫

Coleridge 柯勒律治; 科尔里奇

Collins 柯林斯

Commons 康芒斯

Conan 科南

Congreve 康格里夫

Connie 康尼 Constance 的昵称

Connor 康纳

Conrad 康拉德

Constance 康斯坦斯

Cook, Cooke 库克

Cooper 库珀

Copperfield 科波菲尔

Cotton 柯顿

Coverdale 科弗代尔

Cowper 考珀

Craigie 克雷吉

Crane 克兰

Crichton 克赖顿

Croft 克罗夫特

Crofts 克罗夫茨

Cromwell 克伦威尔

Cronin 克洛宁; 克罗宁

Cumberland 坎伯兰

Curme 柯姆

Daisy 戴西

Dalton 道尔顿

Dan 丹 Daniell 的昵称

Daniel 丹尼尔

Daniell 丹尼尔; 丹聂耳

Darwin 达尔文

Did 戴维

Dy 戴维 Did 的昵称

Defoe 迪福

Delia 迪莉娅

Den, Dennis 丹尼斯

DeQuincey 德.昆西

Dewar 迪尤尔; 杜瓦

Dewey 杜威

Dick 迪克 Richard 的昵称

Dickens 迪肯斯; 狄更斯

Dickey 迪基

Dillon 狄龙

Do 多宾 Robert 的昵称

Dodd 多德

Doherty 陶赫蒂; 道尔蒂

Dolly 多利 Dorthea,Dorothy 的昵称

Donne 多恩

Dora 多拉 Dorthea,Dorothy 的昵称

Doris 多丽丝; 陶丽思

Dorothea 多萝西娅

Dorothy 多萝西

Douglas, Douglass 道格拉斯

Doyle 多伊尔; 道尔

Dierser 德莱塞

Dryden 屈莱顿; 德莱登

DuBois 杜波依斯

Dulles 杜勒斯

Dunbar 邓巴

Duncan 邓肯

Dunlop 邓洛普

Dupont 杜邦

Dutt 达特; 杜德

Eddie 埃迪 Edward 的昵称

Eden 艾登

Edgeworth 埃奇沃思

Edie 伊迪 Adam 的昵称

Edison 爱迪生

Edith 伊迪丝

Edmund 埃德蒙

Edward 爱德华

Effie 埃菲(Euphemia 的昵称)

Eipstein 艾泼斯坦

Eisenhower 艾森豪威尔

Eleanor 埃利诺; 埃兰娜

Electra 伊利克特拉

Elinor 埃利诺

Eliot 艾略特; 爱略特; 埃利奥特

Elizabeth 伊丽莎白

Ella 埃拉 Eleanor,Elinor 的昵称

Ellen 埃伦 Eleanor,Elinor 的昵称

Ellis 艾利斯

Elsie 埃尔西 Alice,Elizabeth 的昵称

Emerson 埃墨森

Emily 艾米丽; 埃米莉

Emma 埃玛

Emmie, Emmy 埃米 Emma 的昵称

Ernest 欧内斯特

Esther 埃丝特

Eugen 尤金

Eugene 尤金

Euphemia 尤菲米娅

Eva 伊娃

Evan 埃文

Evans 埃文思

Eve 伊夫

Evelina 埃维莉娜

Eveline, Evelyn 伊夫琳 Eva,Eve 的昵称

Ezekiel 伊齐基尔

Fanny 范妮 Frances 的昵称

Faraday 法拉第

Fast 法斯特

Faulkner 福克纳

Felix 费利克斯

Felton 费尔顿

Ferdinand 费迪南德

Ferguson 弗格森; 福开森; 弗格森

Field 菲尔德

Fielding 菲尔丁

Finn 芬恩

FitzGerald 菲茨杰拉德

Flower 弗劳尔

Flynn 弗琳; 弗林

Ford 福特

Forster 福斯特

Foster 福斯特

Fowler 福勒

Fox 福克斯

Frances 弗朗西丝

Francis 法兰西斯; 弗朗西斯

Frank 弗兰克 又为Francis,Franklin 的昵称

Franklin 富兰克林

Fred 弗雷德(Frederick 的昵称)

Frederick 弗雷德里克

Freeman 弗里曼

Funk 芬克

Gabriel 加布里埃尔

Galbraith 加布尔雷思

Gallacher 加拉赫

Gallup 盖洛普

Galsworthy 高尔斯沃西

Garcia 加西亚

Garden 加登

Gard, Gardiner 加德纳

Gaskell 加斯克尔

Geoffrey 杰弗里

Geordie 乔迪 George 的昵称

George 乔治

Gibbon 吉本

Gibson 吉布森

Gilbert 吉尔伯特

Giles 贾尔斯; 詹理斯

Gill 吉尔 Juliana 的昵称

Gissing 季星

Gladstone 格莱斯顿; 格拉德斯通

Godwin 葛德文; 戈德温

Gold 高尔德; 戈尔德

Goldsmith 哥尔斯密; 戈德史密斯

Gosse 戈斯

Grace 格雷斯

Gracie 格雷西 Grace 的昵称

Graham 格雷厄姆; 格雷汉姆; 格兰汉

Grant 格兰特

Grantham 格兰瑟姆

Gray 格雷

Green 格林

Gregory 格雷戈里

Gresham 格雷沙姆

Grey 格雷

Grote 格罗特

Gunter 冈特

Gunther 冈瑟

Gus 格斯 Augustus 的昵称

Guy 盖伊

Habakkuk 哈巴卡克

Haggai 哈该

Hal 哈尔 Henry 的昵称

Halifax 哈利法克斯

Hamilton 汉森尔顿; 哈密尔敦

Hamlet 哈姆雷特

Hansen 汉森; 汉森

Hansom 汉萨

Hardy 哈代; 哈迪

Harold 哈罗德

Harper 哈珀

Harriman 哈里曼

Harrington 哈灵顿; 哈林顿

Harrison 哈里森

Harrod 哈罗德

Harry 哈里 Henry 的昵称

Hart 哈特

Harte 哈特

Harvey 哈维

Hawthorne 霍索恩

Haydn 海登 奥地利姓

Haywood 海伍德

Hazlitt 赫士列特; 黑兹利特

Hearst 赫斯特

Helin, Helina 赫莉(娜)

Hemingway 海明威

Henley 亨利

Henrietta 亨里埃塔

Henry 亨利

Herbert 赫伯特

Herty 赫蒂 Henrietta 的昵称

Hewlett 休利特

Hicks 希克斯

Hill 希尔

Hobbes 霍布斯

Hobson 霍布森

Hodge 霍奇

Hodgson 霍奇森

Holmes 福尔摩斯; 霍姆斯

Holt 霍尔特

Hood 胡德

Hoover 胡佛

Hope 霍普

Hopkin, Hopkins 霍普金(斯)

Horace 贺拉斯; 霍勒斯

Horatio 霍雷肖; 贺拉斯(古罗马人名); 霍勒斯

Hornby 霍恩比

Hosea 霍齐亚

House 豪斯

Housman 豪斯曼

Houston 休斯敦

Howard 霍华德

Howell, Howells 豪厄尔(斯)

Hoyle 霍伊尔

Hubbard 哈伯德

Hudson 赫德森

Huggins 哈金斯 Hugh 的昵称

Hugh 休

Hughes 休斯; 休士

Hume 休谟; 休姆

Humphr, Humphrey 汉弗莱

Huntington 亨廷顿

Hutt 赫特

Huxley 赫克利斯; (<英>赫胥黎)

Ingersoll 英格索尔

Irving 欧文

Isaac 艾萨克

Isabel 伊莎贝尔

Isaiah 艾塞亚

Ivan 伊凡

Jack 杰克 John 的昵称

Jackson 杰克逊

Jacob 雅各布

James 詹姆斯

Jane 简

Jasper 贾斯帕

Jeames 杰姆斯 James 的昵称

Jean 琼 Jane 的昵称

Jefferson 杰弗逊; 杰斐逊

Jenkin, Jenkins 詹金(斯)

Jennings 詹宁斯

Jenny 珍妮 Jane 的昵称

Jeremiah 杰里迈亚

Jeremy 杰里米

Jerome 杰罗姆

Jerry 杰里 Jeremiah 的昵称

Jessie 杰西 Jane,Joan 的昵称

Jim 吉姆 James 的昵称

Jimmy 杰米 James 的昵称

Joan 琼

Job 乔布

Joe 乔 Joseph 的昵称

Joel 乔尔

John 约翰

Johnny 约翰尼 John 的昵称

Johnson 约翰逊

Johnston, Johnstone 约翰斯顿

Jonah 乔纳

Jonathan 乔纳森

Jones 琼斯

Jonson 琼森

Jordan 乔丹

Joseph 约瑟夫

Josh 乔希 Joshua 的昵称

Joshua 乔舒亚

Joule 焦尔

Joyce 乔伊斯

Judd 贾德

Judith 朱迪思

Judson 贾德森

Julia 朱莉娅

Julian 朱利安

Juliana 朱莉安娜

Juliet 朱丽叶 Julia 的昵称

Julius 朱利叶斯

Katte 凯特 Catharine 的昵称

Katharine 凯瑟琳

Kathleen 凯瑟琳 Catharine 的昵称

Katrine 卡特琳 Catharine 的昵称

Keats 基茨

Kell, Kelley 凯利

Kellogg 凯洛格

Kelsen 凯尔森

Kelvin 凯尔文

Kennan 凯南

Kennedy 肯尼迪

Keppel 凯佩尔

Keynes 凯恩斯

Kingsley 金斯利

Kipling 基普林

Kit 基特 Catharine 的昵称

Kitto 基托 Christopher 的昵称

Kitty 基蒂

Lamb 兰姆; 拉姆

Lambert 兰伯特; 朗伯

Lancelot 兰斯洛特

Landon 兰登

Larkin 拉金 Lawrence 的昵称

Lattimore 拉铁摩尔

Laurie 劳里 Lawrence 的昵称

Law 劳

Lawrence 劳伦斯

Lawson 劳森; 劳逊

Leacock 利科克; 李科克

Lee 李

Leigh 利

Leighton 莱顿

Lena 莉娜 Helen,Helena 的昵称

Leonard 伦纳德

Leopold 利奥波德

Lew 卢 Lewis 的昵称

Lewis 刘易士; 刘易斯

Lily 莉莉

Lincoln 林肯

Lindberg, Lindbergh 林德伯格

Lindsay 林塞

Lizzie 利齐 Elizabeth 的昵称

Lloyd 劳埃德

Locke 洛克

London 伦敦

Longfellow 朗费罗

Longman 朗曼

Lou, Louie 路易(Lewis); 路(易)(Louisa,Louise)

Louis 路易斯

Louisa 路易莎

Louise 路易丝

Lowell 罗威尔; 罗厄尔

Lucas 卢卡斯

Lucia 露西亚

Lucius 卢修斯

Lucy 露西

Luke 卢克

Lyly 利利

Lynch 林奇

Lynd 林德

Lytton 李顿; 利顿

MacAdam 麦克亚当

MacArthur 麦克阿瑟 苏格兰姓

Macaulay 麦考利 苏格兰姓

MacDonald, Macdonald 麦克唐纳 苏格兰姓

Mackintosh 麦金托什

MacMillan, Macmillan 麦克米伦 苏格兰姓

MacPherson, Macpherson 麦克菲尔逊; 麦克弗森

Madge 马奇 Margaret 的昵称

Maggie 玛吉 Margaret 的昵称

Malachi 玛拉基

Malan 马伦

Malory 马洛里

Malthus 马尔萨斯

Maltz 马尔兹; 马尔茨

Mansfield 曼斯菲尔德 笔名

Marcellus 马塞勒斯 Marcus 的昵称

Marcus 马库斯

Margaret 玛格丽塔

Margery 马杰里

Maria 玛丽亚

Marion 马里恩

Marjory 马乔里 Margaret 的昵称

Mark 马克

Marlowe 马洛

Marner 马南

Marshall 马歇尔

Martha 马莎

Martin 马丁

Mary 玛丽

Masefield 梅斯菲尔德

Mathilda 马蒂尔达

Matthew 马修

Maud 莫德 Matilda, Mathilda 的昵称

Maugham 莫姆

Maurice 莫里斯

Max 马克斯

Maxwell 马克斯韦尔

May 梅 Mary 的昵称

McCarthy 麦卡锡

McDonald 麦克唐纳; 麦当劳 =MacDonald

Meg 梅格(Margaret 的昵称)

Melville 梅尔维尔

Meredith 梅瑞狄斯; 梅雷迪斯

Micah 迈卡

Michael 迈克尔

Michelson 米切尔森; 迈克尔孙

Middleton 密德尔顿

Mike 迈克 Michael 的昵称

Mill 米尔

Milne 米尔恩

Milton 米尔顿

Minnie 明妮 Wilhelmina 的昵称

Moll 莫尔 Mary 的昵称

Mond 蒙德

Monroe 门罗

Montgomery 蒙哥马利

Moore 穆尔

More 莫尔

Morgan 摩根

Morley 摩利

Morris 莫里斯

Morrison 莫里森

Morse 莫尔斯

Morton 莫尔顿; 摩顿

Moses 摩西

Motley 莫特利

Moulton 莫尔顿

Murray 默里

Nahum 内厄姆

Nancy 南希 Ann,Anna,Anne 的昵称

Nathaniei 纳撒尼尔

Needham 尼达姆

Nehemiah 尼赫迈亚

Nell 内尔

Nelly 内利 Eleanor,Helen 的昵称

Nelson 奈尔孙

Newman 纽曼

Newton 牛顿

Nicholas 尼古拉斯

Nichol, Nichols 尼科尔,尼科尔斯

Nick 尼克 Nicholas 的昵称

Nico, Nicol 尼科尔

Nixon 尼克松

Noah 诺厄

Noel 诺埃尔

Nora 娜拉; 诺拉 Eleanor 的昵称

Norris 诺里斯

North 诺思

Norton 诺顿

Noyes 诺伊斯

Obadiah 奥巴代亚

O’Casey 奥凯西; 奥卡西

Occam 奥卡姆

O’Connor 奥康纳

Oliver 奥利弗

O’Neil 奥尼尔

Onions 奥尼恩斯

Orlando 奥兰多

Oscar 奥斯卡

Owen 欧文

Palmer 帕尔默

Pansy 潘西

Parker 帕克

Partridge 帕特里奇

Pater 佩特; 佩德

Patience 佩兴斯

Patrick 帕特里克

Paul 保罗

Peacock 皮科尔

Pearson 皮尔逊

Peg 佩格 Margaret 的昵称

Peggy 佩吉 Margaret 的昵称

Penn 佩恩

Pepys 佩皮斯; 皮普斯 英国日记作家

Perkin 珀金 Peter 的昵称

Peter 彼得

Petty 佩蒂

Philemon 菲利蒙

Philip 菲利普

Piers 皮尔斯 Peter 的昵称

Pigou 庇古; 皮古

Pitman 皮特曼

Poe 波

Pollitt 波利特

Polly 波利 Mary 的昵称

Pope 蒲柏; 波普

Pound 庞德

Powell 鲍威尔

Price 普赖斯

Priestley 普里斯特莱; 普里斯特利

Pritt 普里特

Pulitzer 普里策; 帕利策尔

Pullan 普兰

Pullman 普尔曼

Quiller 奎勒

Raglan 拉格伦

Raleign 罗利

Ralph 拉尔夫

Raman 拉曼

Ramsden 拉姆斯登; 冉斯登

Raphael 拉菲尔; 拉菲尔

Rayleign 雷利; 瑞利

Raymond 雷蒙德

Reade 里德

Rebecca 丽贝卡

Reed 里德

Reynolds 雷诺兹

Rhodes 罗兹

Rhys 里斯

Ricardo 李嘉图; 理嘉图

Richard 理查

Richards 理查兹

Richardson 理查森

Rob 罗布 Robert 的昵称

Ros 罗宾斯

Robert 罗伯特

Robeson 罗伯逊

Robin 罗宾 Robert 的昵称

Robinson 罗宾逊; 罗宾森

Rockefeller 洛克菲勒

Roger 罗杰; 罗吉尔 从苏格兰姓

Roland 罗兰

Romeo 罗密欧

Roosevelt 罗斯福

Rosa 罗莎

Rosalind 罗瑟琳; 罗塞蒂

Rose 罗斯

Rossetti 罗赛蒂; 罗塞蒂

Roy 罗伊

Rudolph, Rudolf 鲁道夫

Rusk 腊斯克

Ruskin 罗斯金; 拉斯金

Russell 拉塞尔; 罗素

Ruth 鲁思

Rutherford 拉瑟福德; 卢瑟福

Sainsbury 森次巴立; 塞恩思伯里

Sailsbury 索尔兹伯里

Sally 萨莉 Sara 的昵称

Salome 萨洛美

Sam 萨姆 Samuel 的昵称

Samson 萨姆森

Samuel 塞缪尔

Sander 桑德 Alexander 的昵称

Sandy 桑迪 Alexander 的昵称

Sapir 萨皮尔

Sara, Sarah 萨拉

Saroyan 萨罗扬; 萨洛扬

Sassoon 沙逊

Saul 索尔

Sawyer 索耶

Saxton 萨克斯顿

Scott 司各脱; 斯科特

Scripps 斯克利普斯

Senior 西尼尔

Service 瑟维斯

Shakespeare 莎士比亚

Sharp 夏普

Shaw 肖

Shelley 谢利; 雪莱

Sheridan 谢立丹; 谢里登

Sherwood 舍伍德

Sidney 锡特尼; 悉尼

Silas 赛拉斯

Simon 西蒙

Simpson 辛普森

Sinclair 辛克莱

Smedley 斯梅德利; 史沫特莱

Smith 史密斯

Smollett 斯摩莱特; 斯莫利特

Snow 斯诺

Sonmerfield 索莫费尔德; 萨默菲尔德

Sophia 索菲娅

Sophy 索菲 Sophia 的昵称

Southey 骚塞; 索锡

Spencer 斯宾塞; 斯潘塞

Spender 斯彭德

Spenser 斯宾塞; 斯潘塞

Springhall 斯普林霍尔

Steele 斯梯尔; 斯蒂尔

Steinbeck 斯坦培克; 斯坦贝克

Stella 斯特拉

Stephen 史蒂芬; 斯蒂芬

Stephens 斯蒂芬斯

Stevenson 史蒂文森

Stilwell 史迪威

Stone 斯通

Stowe 斯托

Strachey 斯特雷奇

Strong 斯特朗

Stuart 斯图尔特; 司徒雷登

Surrey 萨利; 萨里

Susan 苏珊

Susanna 苏珊娜

Sweet 斯威特

Swift 斯威夫特; 斯维夫特

Swinburne 史文朋; 斯温伯恩

Symons 西蒙斯

Tate 泰特

Taylor 泰勒

Ted 特德 Edward 的昵称

Temple 坦普尔

Tennyson 丁尼生; 坦尼森

Terry 特里 Theresa 的昵称

Thackeray 撒克里

Thodore 西奥多

Theresa 特里萨

Thomas 托马斯

Thompson 汤普森

Thomson 汤姆森

Thoreau 梭洛; 索罗

Thorndike 桑代克

Timothy 蒂莫西

Titus 泰特斯

Tobias 托拜厄斯

Toby 托比 Tobias 的昵称

Toland 托兰

Tom 汤姆 Thomas 的昵称

Tomlinson 汤姆林森

Tommy 汤米 Thomas 的昵称

Tony 托尼 Anthony 的昵称

Tours 图尔斯

Tout 陶特

Toynbee 托因比

Tracy 特雷西 Theresa 的昵称

Trevelyan 特里维康

Trollpoe 特罗洛普

Truman 杜鲁门

Turner 特纳

Tuttle 塔特尔

Twain 特温 笔名吐温

Tyler 泰勒

Ulysses 尤利塞斯

Valentine 瓦伦丁

Van 范

Vaughan 伏恩

Veblen 凡勃伦; 维布伦

Victor 维克托

Vincent 文森特

Violet 瓦奥莱特

Virginia 弗吉尼亚

Vogt 沃格特

Wagner 瓦格纳

Walker 沃克

Walkley 沃克利

Wallace 华莱土

Wallis 沃利斯

Walpole 沃波尔

Walsh 沃尔什

Walter 沃尔特

Walton 沃尔顿

Ward 沃德

Warner 沃纳

Warren 沃伦

Washington 华盛顿

Wat 沃特 Walter 的昵称

Waters 沃特斯

Watt 瓦特

Webb 韦布

Webster 韦伯斯特

Wells 韦尔斯

Wesley 韦斯利

Wheatley 惠特利

Wheeler 惠勒

Whit 惠特

Whitehead 怀特海; 怀特黑德

Whitman 惠特曼

Whittier 惠蒂尔

Whyet 怀特

Wilcox 威尔科特斯

Wild 魏尔德

Wilde 怀尔德; 王尔德

Wilhelmina 威廉明娜

Will 威尔(William 的昵称)

Willard 威拉德

William 威廉

Wilmot, Wilmott 威尔莫特

Wilson 威尔逊

Windsor 温莎; 温泽

Winifred 威尼弗雷德

Wodehous 沃德豪斯

Wolf 沃尔夫

Wollaston 沃拉斯顿; 渥拉斯顿

Wood 伍德

Woolf 伍尔夫

Woolley 伍利; 伍莱

Wordsworth 华兹沃斯; 渥兹华斯; 沃兹沃思

Wright 赖特

Wyat, Wyatt 怀亚特; 怀阿特

Wyclif, Wycliffe 威克利夫; 魏克利夫

Wyld, Wylde 怀尔德

Yale 耶尔; 耶鲁

Yeates 夏芝; 耶茨

Yerkes 耶基斯 美国姓

Young 扬

Yule 尤尔

Zacharias 扎卡赖亚斯

Zangwill 赞格威尔

Zechariah 泽卡赖亚

Zephaniah 泽弗奈亚

Zimmerman 齐默尔曼


我叫Echant 取个好听点的英文心死了

New York is a state in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern regions of the United States, the nation's third most populous with an estimated population of 19,306,183 in 2006。 New York covers 54,556 square miles (141,299 km?) and ranks as the 27th largest state by size.The state is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south, and Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to the east. New York is often referred to as New York State to distinguish it from New York City.


New York City is located in the Northeastern United States, in southeastern New York State, roximately halfway between Washington, D.C. and Boston.The city's land area is estimated at 304.8 square miles (789.43 km2).It is the largest city in the United States, with a metropolitan area that is among the largest urban areas in the world.




Abbot(t) 阿博特

Abe 阿贝(Abraham的昵称)

Abraham 亚伯拉罕



Ackerman(n) 阿克曼

Adam 亚当

Adams 亚当斯

Addison 艾狄生; 艾迪生; 阿狄森



Adelaide 阿德莱德

Adolph 阿道夫

Agnes 阿格尼丝

Albert 艾伯特



Aldington 奥尔丁顿

Aldridge 奥尔德里奇



Alerander 亚历山大

Alfred 阿尔弗列德; 艾尔弗雷德

Alice 阿丽丝;


Alick 阿利克(Alexander的昵称)

Alsop(p) 艾尔索普

Aly 阿利



Anderson 安德森

Andrew 安德鲁

Ann 安

Anna 安娜

Anne 安妮



Antoinette 安托瓦妮特

Antonia 安东尼娅

Arabella 阿拉贝拉



Armstrong 阿姆斯特朗

Arnold 阿诺德

Arthur 阿瑟

Attlee 阿特利



Augustus 奥古斯塔斯

Austen 奥斯汀

Austin 奥斯汀

Babbitt 巴比特; 白壁德;


Bach 巴赫

Bacon 培根

Baldwin 鲍德温

Barnard 巴纳德



Barrett ;

Barrie 巴里



Bartholomew 巴塞洛缪

Bartlett 巴特利特

Barton 巴顿


鲍尔; 拜耳

Beard 比尔德

Beaufort 博福特; 蒲福

Becher 比彻



Becky 贝基

Beerbohm 比尔博姆

Bell 贝尔

Bellamy 贝拉米



Belloc 贝洛克

Ben 本(Benjamin的昵称)



Benjamin 本杰明

Bennett 贝内特(Benedict的昵称)

Benson 本森

Bentham 边沁;


Berkeley 贝克莱; 伯克利

Bernal 伯纳尔

Bernard 伯纳德; 伯纳尔德

Bert 伯特(Albert,


Bertha 伯莎

Bertie 伯蒂

Bertram 伯特伦



Bessemer 贝西墨; 贝色麦

Bessie 贝西(Elizabeth的昵称)

Bethune 白求恩;


Betsy 贝齐(Elizabeth的昵称)

Betty 贝蒂(Elizabeth的昵称)



Billy 比利(William的昵称)

Birrell 比勒尔

Black 布莱克



Bloomer 布卢默

Bloomfield 布龙菲尔德; 布洛姆菲尔德

Bloor 布劳; 布卢尔



Bob 鲍勃(Robert的昵称)

Bobby 博比(Robert的昵称)

Boswell 博斯韦尔



Bowman 鲍曼

Boyle 波伊尔; 波义耳

Bradley 布拉德利

Bray 布雷



Bridges 布里奇斯

Bright 布赖特

Broad 布罗德

Bronte 勃朗特; 白朗蒂



Brown 布朗

Browne 布朗

Browning ; 布朗宁

Bruce 布鲁斯



Bryan 布赖恩

Bryce 布赖斯

Buck 巴克

Buckle 巴克耳

Bulwer 布尔韦尔;


Bunyan 布尼安

Burke 伯克

Burne-Jones 伯恩-琼斯(双姓)

Burns 彭斯;


Butler 勃特勒; 巴特勒

Byron 拜伦

Camilla 卡拉米

Camp 坎普

Carey 凯里;


Carl 卡尔

Carllyle 卡莱尔

Carmen 卡门

Carnegie 卡内基



Carpenter 卡彭特

Carrie 嘉利; 卡丽

Carroll 卡罗尔

Carter 卡特


Catherine 凯瑟琳

Cecillia 塞西利亚

Chamberlain 张伯伦

Chaplin 查普林;


Chapman 查普曼

Charles 查尔斯; 查理



Charlotte 夏洛蒂; 夏洛特

Charles 查尔斯; 查理



Chesterton 切斯特顿

Child 蔡尔德

Childe 蔡尔德

Christ 克赖斯特



Christiana 克里斯蒂安娜

Christie 克里斯蒂(Christian的昵称)



Christy 克里斯蒂(Christian的昵称)

Church 丘奇

Churchill 丘吉尔



Clapham 克拉彭

Clara 克拉拉



Clarissa 克拉丽莎

Clark(e) 克拉克

Clemens 克里曼斯;


Clement 克莱门特

Cocker 科克尔

Coffey 科菲

Colclough 科尔克拉夫


柯勒律治; 科尔里奇

Collins 柯林斯

Commons 康芒斯

Conan 科南

Congreve 康格里夫



Connor 康纳

Conrad 康拉德

Constance 康斯坦斯



Cooper 库珀

Copperfield 科波菲尔

Cotton 柯顿

Coverdale 科弗代尔



Craigie 克雷吉

Crane 克兰

Crichton 克赖顿

Croft 克罗夫特



Cromwell 克伦威尔

Cronin 克洛宁; 克罗宁

Cumberland 坎伯兰

Curme 柯姆



Dalton 道尔顿

Dan 丹(Daniell的昵称)

Daniel 丹尼尔

Daniell 丹尼尔;


Darwin 达尔文

Did 戴维

Dy 戴维(Did的昵称)

Defoe 迪福



Den(n)is 丹尼斯

DeQuincey 德.昆西

Dewar 迪尤尔; 杜瓦

Dewey 杜威



Dickens 迪肯斯; 狄更斯

Dickey 迪基

Dillon 狄龙



Dodd 多德

Doherty 陶赫蒂; 道尔蒂

Dolly 多利(Dorthea,


Donne 多恩

Dora 多拉(Dorthea, Dorothy的昵称)

Doris 多丽丝;


Dorothea 多萝西娅

Dorothy 多萝西

Douglas(s) 道格拉斯

Doyle 多伊尔;


Dierser 德莱塞

Dryden 屈莱顿; 德莱登

DuBois 杜波依斯

Dulles 杜勒斯



Duncan 邓肯

Dunlop 邓洛普

Dupont 杜邦

Dutt 达特; 杜德



Eden 艾登

Edgeworth 埃奇沃思

Edie 伊迪(Adam的昵称)



Edith 伊迪丝

Edmund 埃德蒙

Edward 爱德华



Eipstein 艾泼斯坦

Eisenhower 艾森豪威尔

Eleanor 埃利诺;


Electra 伊利克特拉

Elinor 埃利诺

Eliot 艾略特; 爱略特; 埃利奥特



Ella 埃拉(Eleanor, Elinor的昵称)

Ellen 埃伦(Eleanor, Elinor的昵称)



Elsie 埃尔西(Alice, Elizabeth的昵称)

Emerson 埃墨森

Emily 艾米丽; 埃米莉



Emmie, Emmy 埃米(Emma的昵称)

Ernest 欧内斯特

Esther 埃丝特

Eugen 尤金



Euphemia 尤菲米娅

Eva 伊娃

Evan 埃文

Evans 埃文思

Eve 伊夫



Eveline, Evelyn 伊夫琳(Eva, Eve的昵称)

Ezekiel 伊齐基尔



Faraday 法拉第

Fast 法斯特

Faulkner 福克纳



Felton 费尔顿

Ferdinand 费迪南德

Ferguson 弗格森; 福开森; 弗格森



Fielding 菲尔丁

Finn 芬恩

FitzGerald 菲茨杰拉德

Flower 弗劳尔

Flynn 弗琳;


Ford 福特

Forster 福斯特

Foster 福斯特

Fowler 福勒

Fox 福克斯



Francis 法兰西斯; 弗朗西斯

Frank 弗兰克(又为Francis, Franklin的昵称)



Fred 弗雷德(Frederick的昵称)

Frederick 弗雷德里克

Freeman 弗里曼



Gabriel 加布里埃尔

Galbraith 加布尔雷思

Gallacher 加拉赫



Galsworthy 高尔斯沃西

Garcia 加西亚

Garden 加登

Gard(i)ner 加德纳



Geoffrey 杰弗里

Geordie 乔迪(George的昵称)

George 乔治



Gibson 吉布森

Gilbert 吉尔伯特

Giles 贾尔斯; 詹理斯



Gissing 季星

Gladstone 格莱斯顿; 格拉德斯通

Godwin 葛德文; 戈德温


高尔德; 戈尔德

Goldsmith 哥尔斯密; 戈德史密斯

Gosse 戈斯

Grace 格雷斯



Graham 格雷厄姆; 格雷汉姆; 格兰汉

Grant 格兰特

Grantham 格兰瑟姆



Green 格林

Gregory 格雷戈里

Gresham 格雷沙姆

Grey 格雷

Grote 格罗特



Gunther 冈瑟

Gus 格斯(Augustus的昵称)

Guy 盖伊

Habakkuk 哈巴卡克



Hal 哈尔(Henry的昵称)

Halifax 哈利法克斯

Hamilton 汉森尔顿; 哈密尔敦



Hansen 汉森; 汉森

Hansom 汉萨

Hardy 哈代; 哈迪

Harold 哈罗德



Harriman 哈里曼

Harrington 哈灵顿; 哈林顿

Harrison 哈里森

Harrod 哈罗德



Hart 哈特

Harte 哈特

Harvey 哈维

Hawthorne 霍索恩



Haywood 海伍德

Hazlitt 赫士列特; 黑兹利特

Hearst 赫斯特



Hemingway 海明威

Henley 亨利

Henrietta 亨里埃塔

Henry 亨利



Herty 赫蒂(Henrietta的昵称)

Hewlett 休利特

Hicks 希克斯

Hill 希尔



Hobson 霍布森

Hodge 霍奇

Hodgson 霍奇森

Holmes 福尔摩斯; 霍姆斯



Hood 胡德

Hoover 胡佛

Hope 霍普

Hopkin(s) 霍普金(斯)

Horace 贺拉斯;


Horatio 霍雷肖; 贺拉斯(古罗马人名); 霍勒斯

Hornby 霍恩比

Hosea 霍齐亚



Housman 豪斯曼

Houston 休斯敦

Howard 霍华德

Howell(s) 豪厄尔(斯)



Hubbard 哈伯德

Hudson 赫德森

Huggins 哈金斯(Hugh的昵称)

Hugh 休

Hughes 休斯;


Hume 休谟; 休姆

Humphr(e)y 汉弗莱

Huntington 亨廷顿

Hutt 赫特

Huxley 赫克利斯;


Ingersoll 英格索尔

Irving 欧文

Isaac 艾萨克

Isabel 伊莎贝尔



Ivan 伊凡

Jack 杰克(John的昵称)

Jackson 杰克逊

Jacob 雅各布



Jane 简

Jasper 贾斯帕

Jeames 杰姆斯(James的昵称)



Jefferson 杰弗逊; 杰斐逊

Jenkin(s) 詹金(斯)

Jennings 詹宁斯



Jeremiah 杰里迈亚

Jeremy 杰里米

Jerome 杰罗姆



Jessie 杰西(Jane, Joan的昵称)

Jim 吉姆(James的昵称)



Joan 琼

Job 乔布

Joe 乔(Josepy的昵称)

Joel 乔尔



Johnny 约翰尼(John的昵称)

Johnson 约翰逊

Johnston(e) 约翰斯顿



Jonathan 乔纳森

Jones 琼斯

Jonson 琼森

Jordan 乔丹

Joseph 约瑟夫



Joshua 乔舒亚

Joule 焦尔

Joyce 乔伊斯

Judd 贾德



Judson 贾德森

Julia 朱莉娅

Julian 朱利安

Juliana 朱莉安娜



Julius 朱利叶斯

Katte 凯特(Catharine的昵称)



Kathleen 凯瑟琳(Catharine的昵称)

Katrine 卡特琳(Catharine的昵称)



Kell(e)y 凯利

Kellogg 凯洛格

Kelsen 凯尔森

Kelvin 凯尔文



Kennedy 肯尼迪

Keppel 凯佩尔

Keynes 凯恩斯

Kingsley 金斯利



Kit 基特(Catharine的昵称)

Kitto 基托(Christopher的昵称)

Kitty 基蒂

Lamb 兰姆;


Lambert 兰伯特; 朗伯

Lancelot 兰斯洛特

Landon 兰登



Lattimore 拉铁摩尔

Laurie 劳里(Lawrence的昵称)

Law 劳



Lawson 劳森; 劳逊

Leacock 利科克; 李科克

Lee 李

Leigh 利



Lena 莉娜(Helen(a)的昵称)

Leonard 伦纳德

Leopold 利奥波德



Lewis 刘易士; 刘易斯

Lily 莉莉

Lincoln 林肯



Lindsay 林塞

Lizzie 利齐(Elizabeth的昵称)

Lloyd 劳埃德

Locke 洛克



Longfellow 朗费罗

Longman 朗曼

Lou(ie) 路易(Lewis); 路(易)(Louisa,


Louis 路易斯

Louisa 路易莎

Louise 路易丝

Lowell 罗威尔; 罗厄尔



Lucia 露西亚

Lucius 卢修斯

Lucy 露西

Luke 卢克

Lyly 利利



Lynd 林德

Lytton 李顿; 利顿

MacAdam 麦克亚当



Macaulay 麦考利(苏格兰姓)

MacDonald, Macdonald


Mackintosh 麦金托什

MacMillan, Macmillan 麦克米伦(苏格兰姓)


Macpherson 麦克菲尔逊; 麦克弗森

Madge 马奇(Margaret的昵称)



Malachi 玛拉基

Malan 马伦

Malory 马洛里



Maltz 马尔兹; 马尔茨

Mansfield (笔名)曼斯菲尔德



Marcus 马库斯

Margaret 玛格丽塔

Margery 马杰里



Marion 马里恩

Marjory 马乔里(Margaret的昵称)

Mark 马克

Marlowe 马洛



Marshall 马歇尔

Martha 马莎

Martin 马丁

Mary 玛丽



Mat(h)ilda 马蒂尔达

Matthew 马修

Maud 莫德(Mat(h)ilda的昵称)



Maurice 莫里斯

Max 马克斯

Maxwell 马克斯韦尔

May 梅(Mary的昵称)



McDonald 麦克唐纳(=MacDonald)

Meg 梅格(Margaret的昵称)



Meredith 梅瑞狄斯; 梅雷迪斯

Micah 迈卡

Michael 迈克尔

Michelson 米切尔森;


Middleton 密德尔顿

Mike 迈克(Michael的昵称)

Mill 米尔

Milne 米尔恩



Minnie 明妮(Wilhelmina的昵称)

Moll 莫尔(Mary的昵称)

Mond 蒙德



Montgomery 蒙哥马利

Moore 穆尔

More 莫尔

Morgan 摩根

Morley 摩利



Morrison 莫里森

Morse 莫尔斯

Morton 莫尔顿; 摩顿

Moses 摩西



Moulton 莫尔顿

Murray 默里

Nahum 内厄姆

Nancy 南希(Ann, Anna,


Nathaniei 纳撒尼尔

Needham 尼达姆

Nehemiah 尼赫迈亚

Nell 内尔


内利(Eleanor, Helen的昵称)

Nelson 奈尔孙

Newman 纽曼

Newton 牛顿



Nichol(s) 尼科尔(斯)

Nick 尼克(Nicholas的昵称)

Nico(l) 尼科尔



Noah 诺厄

Noel 诺埃尔

Nora 娜拉; 诺拉(Eleanor的昵称)

Norris 诺里斯



Norton 诺顿

Noyes 诺伊斯

Obadiah 奥巴代亚

O'Casey 奥凯西; 奥卡西



O'Connor 奥康纳

Oliver 奥利弗

O'Neil 奥尼尔

Onions 奥尼恩斯



Oscar 奥斯卡

Owen 欧文

Palmer 帕尔默

Pansy 潘西

Parker 帕克



Pater 佩特; 佩德

Patience 佩兴斯

Patrick 帕特里克

Paul 保罗



Pearson 皮尔逊

Peg 佩格(Margaret的昵称)

Peggy 佩吉(Margaret的昵称)



Pepys 佩皮斯; 皮普斯(英国日记作家)

Perkin 珀金(Peter的昵称)

Peter 彼得



Philemon 菲利蒙

Philip 菲利普

Piers 皮尔斯(Peter的昵称)

Pigou 庇古;


Pitman 皮特曼

Poe 波

Pollitt 波利特

Polly 波利(Mary的昵称)

Pope 蒲柏;


Pound 庞德

Powell 鲍威尔

Price 普赖斯

Priestley 普里斯特莱; 普里斯特利



Pulitzer 普里策; 帕利策尔

Pullan 普兰

Pullman 普尔曼

Quiller 奎勒



Raleign 罗利

Ralph 拉尔夫

Raman 拉曼

Ramsden 拉姆斯登; 冉斯登

Raphael 拉菲尔;


Rayleign 雷利; 瑞利

Raymond 雷蒙德

Reade 里德

Rebecca 丽贝卡



Reynolds 雷诺兹

Rhodes 罗兹

Rhys 里斯

Ricardo 李嘉图; 理嘉图



Richards 理查兹

Richardson 理查森

Rob 罗布(Robert的昵称)



Robert 罗伯特

Robeson 罗伯逊

Robin 罗宾(Robert的昵称)

Robinson 罗宾逊;


Rockefeller 洛克菲勒

Roger 罗杰; 罗吉尔(从苏格兰姓)

Roland 罗兰



Roosevelt 罗斯福

Rosa 罗莎

Rosalind 罗瑟琳; 罗塞蒂

Rose 罗斯

Rossetti 罗赛蒂;


Roy 罗伊

Rudolph, Rudolf 鲁道夫

Rusk 腊斯克

Ruskin 罗斯金; 拉斯金


拉塞尔; 罗素

Ruth 鲁思

Rutherford 拉瑟福德; 卢瑟福

Sainsbury 森次巴立; 塞恩思伯里



Sally 萨莉(Sara的昵称)

Salome 萨洛美

Sam 萨姆(Samuel的昵称)



Samuel 塞缪尔

Sander 桑德(Alexander的昵称)

Sandy 桑迪(Alexander的昵称)



Sara(h) 萨拉

Saroyan 萨罗扬; 萨洛扬

Sassoon 沙逊

Saul 索尔



Saxton 萨克斯顿

Scott 司各脱; 斯科特

Scripps 斯克利普斯

Senior 西尼尔



Shakespeare 莎士比亚

Sharp 夏普

Shaw 肖

Shelley 谢利; 雪莱

Sheridan 谢立丹;


Sherwood 舍伍德

Sidney 锡特尼; 悉尼

Silas 赛拉斯

Simon 西蒙



Sinclair 辛克莱

Smedley 斯梅德利; 史沫特莱

Smith 史密斯

Smollett 斯摩莱特;


Snow 斯诺

Sonmerfield 索莫费尔德; 萨默菲尔德

Sophia 索菲娅



Southey 骚塞; 索锡

Spencer 斯宾塞; 斯潘塞

Spender 斯彭德


斯宾塞; 斯潘塞

Springhall 斯普林霍尔

Steele 斯梯尔; 斯蒂尔

Steinbeck 斯坦培克;


Stella 斯特拉

Stephen 史蒂芬; 斯蒂芬

Stephens 斯蒂芬斯



Stilwell 史迪威

Stone 斯通

Stowe 斯托

Strachey 斯特雷奇



Stuart 斯图尔特; 司徒雷登

Surrey 萨利; 萨里

Susan 苏珊

Susanna 苏珊娜



Swift 斯威夫特; 斯维夫特

Swinburne 史文朋; 斯温伯恩

Symons 西蒙斯



Taylor 泰勒

Ted 特德(Edward的昵称)

Temple 坦普尔

Tennyson 丁尼生; 坦尼森




The Yukon Territory (French: Territoire du Yukon) is one of Canada's northern territories, in the country's extreme northwest. It has a population of about 31,500, and its capital is Whitehorse, with a population of 23,272. People from the Yukon are known as Yukoners.

The territory is named after the Yukon River, which means "great river" in Gwich’in.


Disputed evidence of the oldest remains of human inhabitation in North America he been found in the Yukon. A large number of arently human-modified animal bones were discovered in the Old Crow area in the northern Yukon that he been dated to 25,000–40,000 years ago by carbon dating.[1] The central and northern Yukon were not glaciated, as they were part of Beringia.

At about 800 AD, a large volcanic eruption in Mount Churchill near the Alaska border blanketed the southern Yukon with ash. That layer of ash can still be seen along the Klondike Highway. Yukon First Nations stories speak of all the animal and fish dying as a result. Similar stories are told among the Athabaskan-speaking Najo and Apache, leading to the conclusion by some anthropologists that the migration of Athabaskan peoples into what is now the southwestern United States could he been due to the eruption. After that, the hunting technology saw the replacement of Atlatls with bows and arrows.

Extensive trading networks between the coastal Tlingits and the interior First Nations developed, where the coastal peoples would trade eulachon oil and other coastal goods for native copper and furs found in the interior.

[edit] Nineth century

European incursions into what later became the Yukon started in the first half of the nineth century. Hudson's Bay Company explorers and traders from Mackenzie River trading posts used two different routes to enter the Yukon and created trading posts along the way. The northern route started in Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories along the Mackenzie River, crossed the mountains into the Bell and Porcupine Rivers to the Yukon River. The southern route started at Fort Liard, Northwest Territories, then westward along the Liard River to Frances Lake and then along the Pelly River to its juncture with the Yukon River.

After establishing Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, John Bell crossed the mountains into the Yukon River watershed in 1845, and went down the Rat River (today the Bell River) to its confluence with the Porcupine River. After managing the fur trade at Fort McPherson, he returned to the Bell River, and followed the Porcupine to its juncture with the Yukon River, the eventual site of Fort Yukon. Soon after, Alexander Hunter Murray established trading posts at Lapierre House (1846) and at Fort Yukon (1847) at the juncture of the Porcupine and the Yukon Rivers. Murray drew numerous sketches of fur trade posts and of people and wrote the Journal of the Yukon, 1847–48, which give valuable insight into the culture of local Gwich’in First Nation people at the time. While the post was actually in Russian Alaska, the Hudson's Bay Company continued to trade there until expelled by the American traders in 1869, following the Alaska Purchase. A new trading post, Rampart House was established upstream along the Porcupine, but it also proved to be just inside Alaska's boundary. Gwich’in people, especially under the leadership of Sahneuti, played off the Hudson's Bay company against American traders from the Alaska Commercial Company.

At about the same time, Robert Campbell, coming from Fort Simpson explored a large part of the southern Yukon and established Fort Frances (1842) on Frances Lake in the Liard River basin and Fort Selkirk, Yukon (1848) at the juncture of the Yukon River and the Pelly River. In 1852, Fort Selkirk was sacked by Tlingit warriors from the coast who objected to its interference with their trade. Fort Selkirk was abandoned and not reestablished until 1889.

Anglican and Roman Catholic missionaries followed in the wake of the fur trade. Of note is William Carpenter Bompas who became the first Anglican bishop of the Yukon. Catholic missionaries were mainly from the order of Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, who still retain a presence in the Yukon today.

In 1859, Robert Kennicott set off on an expedition to collect natural history specimens in the what is now the Mackenzie River and Yukon River valleys and in the Arctic tundra beyond. Kenicott became popular with Hudson's Bay Company fur traders in the area and encouraged them to collect and send natural history specimens and First Nations artifacts to the Smithsonian. In 1865 the Western Union Telegraph Expedition was mounted to find a possible route for a telegraph line between North America and Russia by way of the Bering Sea. Kennicott was the chief scientist for this expedition and the party of naturalists sent to assist him included W.H. Dall. Kennicott died of a heart attack while trelling up the Yukon River. However, Kennicott's efforts brought what is now the Yukon to the world's attention.

Rumours of the presence of gold in the area had been reported by Hudson's Bay Company traders, but little had been done about them. Following the Alaska purchase and the abandonment of Rampart house, Alaska Commercial Company traders started working along the upper Yukon River. Three miners — Alfred Mayo, Jack McQuesten and Arthur Harper — hing heard of these rumours, went to work for the Alaska Commercial Company as traders, although their main interest was in the gold prospects. In 1874, Mayo and McQuesten established Fort Reliance, a few miles downstream of what later became Dawson City. Miners and prospectors slowly trickled in, and gold was found in many areas but rarely in paying quantities. In 1885, a paying amount of gold was found on the Stewart River, and McQuesten convinced the Alaska Commercial Company to start catering to miners rather than focusing only on the fur trade. The following year, paying quantities of coarse gold were found on the Fortymile River, and a new trading post, Fortymile, Yukon was established at the confluence of the Fortymile with the Yukon River

At the same time as the initial gold discoveries were being made, the US Army sent lieutenant Frederick Schwatka to reconnoiter the Yukon River by the US Army. Going over the Chilkoot Pass, his party built rafts and floated down the Yukon River to its mouth in the Bering Sea, naming many geographic features along the way. Schwatka's expedition alarmed the Canadian , who then sent an expedition under George Mercer Dawson in 1887. William Ogilvie, a surveyor who was later to become famous during the Klondike gold Rush and was part of Dawson's expedition surveyed the boundary with Alaska.

In 1894, concerned about the influx of American miners and the liquor trade, the Canadian sent inspector Charles Constantine of the Northwest Mounted Police to examine conditions in the Yukon district. Constantine forecast that a gold rush was imminent and reported that there was an urgent need for a police force. In the following year, he went back to the Yukon with a force of 20 men who were in place when the Klondike Gold Rush started in 18.

[edit] Klondike Gold Rush

Main article: Klondike Gold Rush

The Klondike Gold Rush was the seminal event in the Yukon's history. A party led by Skookum Jim Mason discovered gold on a tributary of the Klondike River in August 1896. An estimated 30,000 to 40,000 people bred numerous hardships to reach the Klondike gold fields in the winter and spring of 18-1898 after the discovery became known in 18. With the influx of American stampeders, the Canadian decided to create a separate territory to better control the situation. In 1901, after many had gone back, the Census put the population of the territory at 27,219, a figure that was not reached again until 1991. The influx of people greatly stimulated mineral exploration in other parts of the Yukon and led to two subsidiary gold rushes in Atlin, British Columbia and Nome, Alaska as well as a number of mini-rushes. Transportation needs to the gold fields led to the construction of the White Pass and Yukon Railway.

[edit] Twentieth century

After the gold rush, the population of the territory declined precipitously, reaching a low of 4,157 in 1921 and remained fairly steady until the 1940s. This was despite the development of other mining areas including silver in Conrad, Yukon and especially near Mayo, gold in the Kluane Lake area, and copper near Whitehorse. In the Klondike, individual miners' claims were bought out and consolidated with the help of the by a small number of companies, including the Guggenheim's Yukon Gold Corporation who used large floating dredges. The Yukon Consolidated Gold Company continued to dredge for gold until the 1960s. A brief period of prosperity ensued during the 1930s when the price of gold rose.

By 1920, the elected territorial council had been reduced to three members and the territory was directly ruled by the Gold commissioner, a federal civil servant reporting to the Minister of the Interior.

The next important event in the Yukon's history was the construction of the Alaska Highway during the Second World War, which, after its badly needed reconstruction by the Canadian Government in the late 1940s, opened up the territory to road traffic. The war also saw the construction of a number of airfields as part of the Northwest Staging Route. However, the influx of southern highway construction crews had a devastating effect on some First Nations, who suffered from a large number of deaths from diseases to which they had no immunity.

Other highways were built during the 1950s and 1960s, resulting the decline and disearance of the riverboats that had provided the main means of transportation until the 1960s. In the 1950s, the White Pass & Yukon Route pioneered the use of intermodal containerized shipping. Mining activity also revived, including copper mining in Whitehorse, silver and lead in Keno and Elsa, asbestos in Clinton Creek. The world's largest open-pit zinc and lead mine was opened in Faro in the early 10s. Gold mining came back to the Klondike and other areas with the large rise in gold prices in the late 10s.

In the 1980s and 1990s, mining declined and the role of increased considerably with larger and larger transfers from the federal . In 18, responsible was achieved and party politics were established. On another front, First Nations started lobbying and entered in land claims negotiations in the 10s which culminated in the signing of an "Umbrella Final Agreement" in 1992. Although most First Nations he signed agreements, land claims and self- negotiations are still going on today. The First Nations are now considered a fourth level of and the specific nature of inter-al relationships is still being worked out.

[edit] Economy

Large map of the Yukon.The territory's historical major industry is mining, including lead, zinc, silver, gold, asbestos and copper. Indeed, the territory owes its existence to the famous Klondike Gold Rush of the 1890s. Hing acquired the land from the Hudson's Bay Company in 1870, the Canadian divided the territory off of the Northwest Territories in 1898 to fill the need for local created by the influx of prospectors during the Klondike Gold Rush.

Thousands of these prospectors, led by the chance at gold, flooded the area, creating a colourful period recorded by authors such as Robert W. Service and Jack London. (See also Royal Canadian Mounted Police.) The memory of this period, as well as the territory's scenic wonders and outdoor recreation opportunities, makes tourism the second most important industry.

Manufacturing, including furniture, clothing, and handicrafts, follows in importance, along with hydroelectricity. The traditional industries of tring and fishing he declined.

Today, the sector is by far the biggest employer in the territory, directly employing roximately 5,000 out of a labour force of 12,500.

[edit] Transportation

In the past, the major transportation artery was the Yukon River system, both before the Gold Rush and after. As well, the coastal Tlingit people traded with the Athabascan people using passes through the coastal mountains. See also Chilkoot Pass, Dalton Trail.

From the Gold Rush until the 1950s, riverboats plied the Yukon River, most between Whitehorse at the head of nigation and Dawson City, but some going further into Alaska and down to the Bering Sea, and others along tributaries of the Yukon River such as the Stewart River.

Most of the riverboats were owned by the British-Yukon Nigation co, an arm of the White Pass and Yukon Route, which also operated a narrow-gauge railway from Skagway, Alaska to Whitehorse. The railway ceased operation in the 1980s with the first closure of the Faro mine. It is now operated as a summer time tourist train, though not on any Yukon section of the line.

Today, major land transportation routes include the Alaska Highway, which passes through Whitehorse; the Klondike Highway going from tidewater in Skagway, Alaska through Whitehorse to Dawson City; the Haines Highway from Haines, Alaska to Haines Junction, Yukon, and the Dempster Highway from the Klondike Highway to Inuvik, Northwest Territories. All these highways, except for the Dempster, are ped. Other highways with less traffic include the Campbell Highway which goes from Carmacks on the Klondike Highway, through Faro and Ross River, and veers south to join the Alaska Highway in Watson Lake, and the Silver Trail which forks off the Klondike Highway at the Stewart River bridge to connect the old silver mining communities of Mayo, Elsa and Keno City. All Yukon communities except one are accessible by mostly ped roads, but air trel is the only way to reach one remote community in the Far North (Old Crow).

Whitehorse International Airport serves as the air transport infrastructure hub, with direct flights to Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Fairbanks, Juneau and Frankfurt (summer months). Every community is served by an airport, and an air charter industry exists primarily to serve the tourism and mining exploration industries.

[edit] Government and politics

Chief Isaac of the Han, Yukon Territory, ca. 1898In the nineth century, the Yukon was a segment of the Hudson Bay Company-administered North-Western Territory and then the Canadian-administered Northwest Territories. It only oained a recognizable local in 1895 when it became a separate district of the Northwest Territories.[2] In 1898, it was made a separate Territory with its own Commissioner and ointed Territorial Council.[3]

Prior to 19, the territory was administered by the Commissioner who is ointed by the federal Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. The Commissioner used to chair and had a role in ointing the territory's Executive Council and had a day to day role in governing the territory. The elected Territorial Council had a purely advisory role. In 19, a significant degree of power was devolved from the federal and Commissioner to the territorial legislature which, in that year, adopted a party system of responsible . This was done through a letter from Jake Epp, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development rather than through formal legislation.

The Yukon Act, passed on April 1, 2003, formalised the powers of the Yukon and devolved a number of additional powers to the territorial (e.g., control over land and natural resources). As of 2003, other than criminal prosecutions, the Yukon has much of the same powers as provincial s, and the other two territories are looking to oaining the same powers. Today the role of Commissioner is analogous to that of a provincial lieutenant-governor; however, unlike lieutenant-governors, Commissioners are not formal representatives of the Queen, but are employees of the Federal .

In preparation for responsible , political parties were organised and ran candidates to the Yukon Legislative Assembly for the first time in 18. The Progressive Conservatives won these elections and formed the first party of Yukon in January 19. The Yukon New Democratic Party (NDP) formed the from 1985 to 1992 under Tony Penikett and again from 1996 under Piers McDonald until being defeated in 2000. The conservatives returned to power in 1992 under John Ostashek after hing renamed themselves the Yukon Party. The Liberal of Pat Duncan was defeated in elections in November 2002, with Dennis Fentie of the Yukon Party forming the as Premier.

Although there has been discussion in the past about the Yukon becoming Canada's 11th province, it is generally felt that its population base is too sparse for this to occur at present. As well, the of British Columbia did propose to take over the territory on a number of occasions.

At the federal level, the territory is presently represented in the Parliament of Canada by a single Member of Parliament and one senator. In contrast to United States territories, Canadian territories' members of Parliament are full and equal voting representatives and residents of the territory enjoy the same rights as other Canadian citizens. One Yukon Member of Parliament — Eric Nielsen — was the Deputy Prime Minister under the Mulroney , while another — Audrey McLaughlin — was the leader of the federal New Democratic Party.

The Yukon was one of nine jurisdictions in Canada to offer same- marriage before the passage of Canada's Civil Marriage Act, along with Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Labrador, and New Brunswick. See same- marriage in Yukon.

[edit] First Nations s

Much of the population of the territory is First Nations. An umbrella land claim agreement representing 7,000 members of four different First Nations was signed with the federal in 1992. Each of the individual First Nations then has to negotiate a specific land claim and a self- agreement. As of December 2005, eleven of the 14 First Nations had a signed agreement. The four First Nation s are:

Government Seat

Carcross/Tagish First Nations Carcross

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Haines Junction

First Nation of Na-cho Nyak Dun Mayo

Kluane First Nation Burwash Landing

Kwanlin Dun First Nation Whitehorse

Liard First Nation Watson Lake

Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation Carmacks

Ross River Dena Council Ross River

Selkirk First Nation Pelly Crossing

Ta'an Kw?ch'?n Council Whitehorse

Teslin Tlingit Council Teslin

Tr’ond?k Hw?ch’in Dawson City

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Old Crow

White River First Nation Beer Creek

The territory once had an Inuit settlement, located on Herschel Island off the Arctic coast. This settlement was dismantled in 1987 and its inhabitants relocated to the neighboring Northwest Territories. As a result of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement, the island is now a territorial park and is known officially as Qikiqtaruk Territorial Park, Qikiqtaruk being the name of the island in Inuktitut.









